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As the basic features of Vbox, the blockchain tool in Maxthon 6, have stabilized, it will expand to support various Apps. With the next major release, more blockchain Apps will be available. We would like to say “thank you” to all the enthusiastic users who actively participated in the test and provided us with feedback data and improvement suggestions.

The next major part of the blockchain Internet in Maxthon 6 is NBdomain protocol.

What is the NBdomain protocol?

The NBdomain protocol is a decentralized domain protocol. Compared to the traditional domain names, NBdomain is super secure and much faster. Especially,  it can easily prove the ownership of the domain, as well as reducing the operating costs for enterprises and individuals

  • Traditional domain names

The Domain Name System we are currently using was created in the 1980s. It uses a centralized design, a chain of servers to resolve domain names.


In this design, we can clearly see that the speed is restricted by a chain of servers, any server in the chain can slow down the whole process. This is one of the reasons why some websites load fast while others are slow. And if you want to launch a DNS attack, you can attack any node in the chain of servers to gain some progress. It’s not safe.

  • NBdomain

NBdomain is a blockchain domain system. It is built on the BSV blockchain and maintained by all BSV miners.


Since all information is saved on Bitcoin nodes. The resolving process of the domain could happen with only one query. When a user wants to visit a website, he can choose any node, so he can connect to the fastest one.

In addition, the BSV public chain maintained by all miners eliminates any possibility of malicious attacks or tampering. So it’s super secure. 

 What can the NBdomain protocol do?

The NBdomain protocol is not just a domain name protocol. The essence of the NBdomain protocol is a distributed on-chain database, which can be used by a website, or a person, a transaction, an article, or even more complex Apps.


  • Use NBdomain as Global ID. You can use NBdomain to login to the system to manage your domain. It can provide better security and better user experience to apps.
  • Store information or transactions in the NBdomain. You can input the domain in the address bar and visit on-chain content faster.
  • Apply for NBpaymail. You can do various forms of quick transfer, receive, and payment easily.
  • Use NBdomain to create a blockchain-based website. You can achieve content upload and maintenance on the blockchain.


Based on the NBdomain protocol, you can design all kinds of Apps. For example, you can build a global sync update system with lower cost; or you can also create a blog site definitely owned by yourself on your computer, and release it globally through BSV node; and other more.


NBdomain is not just a domain name, it can also be a new network software architecture, or a new global community-based operation model, and so on.

How does MX6 support NBdomain protocol?

As the world first browser that supports the NBdomain protocol, Maxthon 6 will help users access the blockchain in the same way as the traditional domain name system by built-in the NBdomain protocol.


At first, Maxthon 6 will support NBdomain in the following three aspects:

  • Users can use Vbox to bind free domain or special domain to create a Global ID and quick payment address;
  • Users can access the content and transactions directly after inputting the NBdomain in the address bar; and users can use the NBdomain to do the signature and payment through Vbox;
  • Open a verity of underlying interfaces of the NBdomain protocol to developers, saving their study time and money, and reducing the difficulty of Apps docking.

In the future, Maxthon 6 will also support more features of NBdomain, like blockchain data upload/download, blockchain site building, updatable datastore system, distributed node optimization, and sharing, etc. Let’s look forward to it.